Social Media Ministry Team

I would like to start a Social Media Ministry team. With all the different tools available, effective use of Social Media will give our church an opportunity to reach out to our neighbors, family and friends both locally and far away. It would also give us presence in different age demographics and allow us to impact the next generation for Christ.

Give the Covid restrictions at this time, we are somewhat limited on attendance for meeting, but will look to some relief in 2021. My intentions are as follows:

1) To see if any one is interested in joining such a team. The really cool thing about this ministry is that odds are the younger you are the more likely you know more about this than I do. So don't be intimidated by your age or your level of experience;

2) If interested, start planning meetings so we can be ready when the right time comes;

3) In the new year (March 2021 approx.) start implementing.

The words of Jesus found in Matthew 28 comman us to GO and make disciples. GO looks very different today. We have access to a whole world on our phones or computers - let us use the tools God has provided to reach our communities.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

But I would like any of those interested in joining this ministry to please contact me at

if you're interested in at least participating in an intitial meeting to see what this ministry could look like.

You're input is very much needed.

To finish off, word of mouth is still the most effective method to reach people. The purpose of this ministry is not to replace the conventional method of communicating. It's simply to provide more opportunities for folks to enter into a discussion.

Thank you for considering this opportunity.

In His service,

Pastor George